원본 : http://www.vbforums.com/showthread.php?384076-Webbrowser-Control-Tip-and-Examples
Navigating to a site:
사이트 찾기...
visual basic code: WebBrowser1.Navigate "www.google.com"
팝업창을 윈도우 폼으로 열기
사이트에서 새로운 팝업창이 열리게 될때 정한 폼을 대상으로 새 창이 열리게 된다.
visual basic code: Private Sub WebBrowser1_NewWindow2(ppDisp As Object, Cancel As Boolean) Dim frm As Form1 Set frm = New Form1 Set ppDisp = frm.WebBrowser1.Object frm.Show End Sub
단어/문장을 페이지에서 찾아냄
단어나 문장을 찾아냄.
visual basic code: Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim strfindword As String strfindword = InputBox("What are you looking for?", "Find", "") ' what word to find? If WebPageContains(strfindword) = True Then 'check if the word is in page MsgBox "The webpage contains the text" 'string is in page Else MsgBox "The webpage doesn't contains the text" 'string is not in page End If End Sub Private Function WebPageContains(ByVal s As String) As Boolean Dim i As Long, EHTML For i = 1 To WebBrowser1.Document.All.length Set EHTML = _ WebBrowser1.Document.All.Item(i) If Not (EHTML Is Nothing) Then If InStr(1, EHTML.innerHTML, _ s, vbTextCompare) > 0 Then WebPageContains = True Exit Function End If End If Next i End Function Private Sub Form_Load() WebBrowser1.Navigate2 "www.msn.com" End Sub
시작 페이지 만들기
이코드는 이벤트에서 어떻게 만들어지고 보여지나.
visual basic code: Private Sub Form_Load() WebBrowser1.Navigate "about:blank" End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim HTML As String '----------The HTML CODE GOES FROM HERE AND DOWN---------- HTML = "<HTML>" & _ "<TITLE>Page On Load</TITLE>" & _ "<BODY>" & _ "<FONT COLOR = BLUE>" & _ "This is a " & _ "<FONT SIZE = 5>" & _ "<B>" & _ "programmatically " & _ "</B>" & _ "</FONT SIZE>" & _ "made page" & _ "</FONT>" & _ "</BODY>" & _ "</HTML>" '----------The HTML CODE GOES HERE AND ABOVE---------- WebBrowser1.document.write HTML End Sub
보통 브라우저 함수
간단한 브라우저의 함수.
visual basic code: Private Sub Command1_Click(Index As Integer) On Error Resume Next ' just in case there is no page back or forward 'I showed how to disabel them if you scroll down more Select Case Index Case 0 'Go Back Button WebBrowser1.GoBack 'Go Back one Page Case 1 'Go Forward Button WebBrowser1.GoForward 'Go Forward one Page Case 2 'Stop Button WebBrowser1.Stop 'stop page Case 3 'Refresh Button WebBrowser1.Refresh 'refresh page Case 4 'Go Home Button WebBrowser1.GoHome 'Go to home page Case 5 'Search Button WebBrowser1.GoSearch 'Search End Select End Sub
고급 브라우저 함수
이것들은 복잡한 브라우저의 함수 프린트나 페이지 속성.
visual basic code: Private Sub Command1_Click() 'Print Button WebBrowser1.ExecWB OLECMDID_PRINT, OLECMDEXECOPT_DODEFAULT 'Show Print Window End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() 'Print Preview Button WebBrowser1.ExecWB OLECMDID_PRINTPREVIEW, OLECMDEXECOPT_DODEFAULT 'Show Print Preview Window End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click() 'Page Setup Button WebBrowser1.ExecWB OLECMDID_PAGESETUP, OLECMDEXECOPT_DODEFAULT 'Show Page Setup Window End Sub Private Sub Command4_Click() 'Page Properties Button WebBrowser1.ExecWB OLECMDID_PROPERTIES, OLECMDEXECOPT_DODEFAULT 'Show Page Properties Window End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() WebBrowser1.Navigate "www.google.com" End Sub
웹의 글꼴 사이즈 변경
페이지의 글꼴크기를 어떻게 변경 하느냐, internet explorer 보기-> 텍스트크기 메뉴
visual basic code: Private Sub Command1_Click() ' Smallest Button On Error Resume Next WebBrowser1.ExecWB OLECMDID_ZOOM, OLECMDEXECOPT_DONTPROMPTUSER, CLng(0), vbNull End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() 'Small Button On Error Resume Next WebBrowser1.ExecWB OLECMDID_ZOOM, OLECMDEXECOPT_DONTPROMPTUSER, CLng(1), vbNull End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click() 'Medium Button On Error Resume Next WebBrowser1.ExecWB OLECMDID_ZOOM, OLECMDEXECOPT_DONTPROMPTUSER, CLng(2), vbNull End Sub Private Sub Command4_Click() 'Large Button On Error Resume Next WebBrowser1.ExecWB OLECMDID_ZOOM, OLECMDEXECOPT_DONTPROMPTUSER, CLng(3), vbNull End Sub Private Sub Command5_Click() 'Largest Button On Error Resume Next WebBrowser1.ExecWB OLECMDID_ZOOM, OLECMDEXECOPT_DONTPROMPTUSER, CLng(4), vbNull End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() WebBrowser1.Navigate2 "www.google.com" End Sub
페이지 목록의 함수 (뒤로/앞으로)
버튼의 사용/사용안함과 열어본 페이지중 뒤/앞 페이지를 열 수 있다.
visual basic code: Private Sub Command1_Click() 'Go Back Button WebBrowser1.GoBack 'Go Back End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() 'Go Forward Button WebBrowser1.GoForward 'Go Forward End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() WebBrowser1.Navigate "www.google.com" End Sub Private Sub WebBrowser1_CommandStateChange(ByVal Command As Long, ByVal Enable As Boolean) Select Case Command Case 1 'Forward Command2.Enabled = Enable Case 2 'Back Command1.Enabled = Enable End Select End Sub
인쇠 관련 함수 (페이지 설정/프린트 미리보기/프린터 설정)
이함수는 어떻게 페이지 설정,미리보기,프린터 설정을 하는가를 보여준다.
visual basic code: Private Sub Command1_Click() 'Print Button WebBrowser1.ExecWB OLECMDID_PRINT, OLECMDEXECOPT_DODEFAULT 'Show Print Window End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() 'Print Preview Button WebBrowser1.ExecWB OLECMDID_PRINTPREVIEW, OLECMDEXECOPT_DODEFAULT 'Show Print Preview Window End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click() 'Page Setup Button WebBrowser1.ExecWB OLECMDID_PAGESETUP, OLECMDEXECOPT_DODEFAULT 'Show Page Setup Window End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() WebBrowser1.Navigate "www.google.com" End Sub Public Function Enable_or_Disable() If WebBrowser1.QueryStatusWB(OLECMDID_PRINT) = 0 Then Command1.Enabled = False Else Command1.Enabled = True End If If WebBrowser1.QueryStatusWB(OLECMDID_PRINTPREVIEW) = 0 Then Command2.Enabled = False Else Command2.Enabled = True End If If WebBrowser1.QueryStatusWB(OLECMDID_PAGESETUP) = 0 Then Command3.Enabled = False Else Command3.Enabled = True End If End Function Private Sub WebBrowser1_BeforeNavigate2 _ (ByVal pDisp As Object, _ URL As Variant, _ Flags As Variant, _ TargetFrameName As Variant, _ PostData As Variant, _ Headers As Variant, _ Cancel As Boolean) Enable_or_Disable End Sub Private Sub WebBrowser1_DocumentComplete(ByVal pDisp As Object, URL As Variant) Enable_or_Disable End Sub
Removing Right Click Menu From the browser control
So you need to remove the right click menu from the control, right? well there are more then two ways one of them, which i knew but i won't bother telling is using lots of hooking, waist of thime since all you have to do is download a simple helper file.
First you need to go to http://support.microsoft.com/kb/q183235/ and download the WBCustomizer.dll. once done go to the"Project Menu" and click on "Refrences" Click on browse and add the 'WBCustomizer.dll' to you app. once done just add this simple code.
visual basic code: Option Explicit Dim CustomWB As WBCustomizer 'Deceler the CustomWB Private Sub Form_Load() Set CustomWB = New WBCustomizer With CustomWB .EnableContextMenus = False 'Disable The Menu .EnableAllAccelerators = True Set .WebBrowser = WebBrowser1 End With WebBrowser1.Navigate "www.google.com" CustomWB.EnableContextMenus = False End Sub
Grab all links on the page
This code shows how to grab and list all the links on a page, this can be used a spider software for a search engine site.
In order to get this code to load you must add the "Microsoft HTML Object Library" into your app refrences.
visual basic code: Option Explicit Private Sub Form_Load() WebBrowser1.Navigate "www.vbforums.com" End Sub Private Sub WebBrowser1_DownloadComplete() 'you must add the "Microsoft HTML Object Library"!!!!!!!!! Dim HTMLdoc As HTMLDocument Dim HTMLlinks As HTMLAnchorElement Dim STRtxt As String ' List the links. On Error Resume Next Set HTMLdoc = WebBrowser1.Document For Each HTMLlinks In HTMLdoc.links STRtxt = STRtxt & HTMLlinks.href & vbCrLf Next HTMLlinks Text1.Text = STRtxt End Sub
You can add this code in order to log this files.
visual basic code: Open "C:\Documents and Settings\[YOU USERNAME]\Desktop\link log.txt" For Append As #1 Print #1, STRtxt Close #1
Save Page
This code shows you how to save the browser's page.
visual basic code: Option Explicit Private Sub Command1_Click() WebBrowser1.ExecWB OLECMDID_SAVEAS, OLECMDEXECOPT_DODEFAULT End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() WebBrowser1.Navigate2 "www.google.com" End Sub
Open Page
Here is how to load a webpage into the webbrowser.
visual basic code: Private Sub Command2_Click() WebBrowser1.ExecWB OLECMDID_OPEN, OLECMDEXECOPT_PROMPTUSER End Sub
This is how to open a page, using the comman dialog's way
visual basic code: Option Explicit Private Sub Command1_Click() On Error Resume Next With CommonDialog1 .DialogTitle = "Open File" .Filter = "Web page (*.htm;*.html) | *.htm;*.html|" & _ "All Supported Picture formats|*.gif;*.tif;*.pcd;*.jpg;*.wmf;" & _ "*.tga;*.jpeg;*.ras;*.png;*.eps;*.bmp;*.pcx|" & _ "Text formats (*.txt;*.doc)|*.txt;*.doc|" & _ "All files (*.*)|*.*|" .ShowOpen .Flags = 5 WebBrowser1.Navigate2 .FileName End With End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() WebBrowser1.Navigate2 "www.google.com" End Sub
Auto Submit
This Simple Code I Made To show you how to make a submittion form. This code will autofill the need filled and submit it.
visual basic code: Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim strwebsite As String Dim stremail As String strwebsite = "http://www.mysite.com" stremail = "myemail@host.com" WebBrowser1.Document.addurl.URL.Value = strwebsite WebBrowser1.Document.addurl.Email.Value = stremail WebBrowser1.Document.addurl.Submit End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() WebBrowser1.Navigate "http://www.scrubtheweb.com/addurl.html" End Sub
Using A ProgressBar With The Webbrowser
This is to show how to use a progressbar with a webbrowser control.
visual basic code: Private Sub Form_Load() WebBrowser1.Navigate "www.msn.com" ProgressBar1.Appearance = ccFlat ProgressBar1.Scrolling = ccScrollingSmooth End Sub Private Sub WebBrowser1_ProgressChange(ByVal Progress As Long, ByVal ProgressMax As Long) On Error Resume Next If Progress = -1 Then ProgressBar1.Value = 100 Me.Caption = "100%" If Progress > 0 And ProgressMax > 0 Then ProgressBar1.Value = Progress * 100 / ProgressMax Me.Caption = Int(Progress * 100 / ProgressMax) & "%" End If Exit Sub End Sub
Setting a Control in a Webbrowser to focus
This shows how to set a control inside the webbrowser into focus.
visual basic code: Private Sub Command1_Click() WebBrowser1.Document.All("q").focus 'Set the search text filed in focus End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() WebBrowser1.Document.All("btnI").focus 'Set the google "I Am feeling lucky in focus button" End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() WebBrowser1.Navigate "http://www.google.com/" End Sub
Or you can use:
visual basic code: WebBrowser1.Document.getElementById("Object's Name").Focus
Checkbox in a page, how to control it
This is an example on how to check or uncheck the remember me checkbox on the google login page:
visual basic code: Private Sub Form_Load() WebBrowser1.Navigate "https://www.google.com/accounts/ManageAccount" End Sub Private Sub Check1_Click() If Check1.Value = 0 Then WebBrowser1.Document.All.PersistentCookie.Checked = False 'unchecked Else WebBrowser1.Document.All.PersistentCookie.Checked = True 'checked End If End Sub
visual basic code: Private Sub Form_Load() WebBrowser1.Navigate "https://www.google.com/accounts/ManageAccount" End Sub Private Sub Check1_Click() If Check1.Value = 0 Then WebBrowser1.Document.All.PersistentCookie.Checked = 0 'unchecked Else WebBrowser1.Document.All.PersistentCookie.Checked = 1 'checked End If End Sub
visual basic code: Private Sub Form_Load() WebBrowser1.Navigate "https://www.google.com/accounts/ManageAccount" End Sub Private Sub Check1_Click() If Check1.Value = 0 Then WebBrowser1.Document.getElementById("PersistentCookie").Checked = False 'unchecked Else WebBrowser1.Document.getElementById("PersistentCookie").Checked = True 'checked End If End Sub
Custom Right Click Menu
This is an example show how to make your own custom right click menu. in order for this to work you must add the "Must Add Microsoft HTML Object Library" to your refrance.Also make your own custom menu using the menu editor I named my "mnu"
Please Note it will effect all the context menus in the webbrowser.
visual basic code: 'Must Add Microsoft HTML Object Library Option Explicit Public WithEvents HTML As HTMLDocument Private Function HTML_oncontextmenu() As Boolean HTML_oncontextmenu = False PopupMenu mnu '<---Check the mnu to your own menu name End Function Private Sub Form_Load() WebBrowser1.Navigate "www.google.com" End Sub Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer) Set HTML = Nothing End Sub Private Sub WebBrowser1_DocumentComplete(ByVal pDisp As Object, _ URL As Variant) Set HTML = WebBrowser1.Document End Sub
Copy the contents of the WebBrowser control to the Clipboard
You can also select the entire WebBrowser's contents by invoking the ExecWB method with the OLECMDID_SELECTALL constant. For example, you can quickly copy the textual contents of the WebBrowser control (that is, plain text instead of HTML text) with the following statements:
' select the entire document
' copy the text to Clipboard
' clear the selection
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비주얼베이직 6.0 컴파일 할때 도움이 되는 링커 (0) | 2014.04.29 |